Thursday, March 1, 2012

Donation is Processed - THANK YOU

This will be my last post unless something of major significance comes up.

Sarah and I have just processed the donation of money through to Sanctuary for Kids - we raised a total just shy of $400(CAD).

Thank you everyone who donated and everyone who followed and supported us, especially those who had to see us on a daily basis over that week.  I'm not afraid to admit there were times when I was snappy for no reason, you were all great at not snapping back.  I would've hit me if I were you.

A special thanks to my lovely boyfriend who cooked me breakfast in bed on the morning after I finished.  Bacon and eggs on toast with baked beans, fried mushroom and tomato and pancakes with lemon and sugar with freshly squeezed orange juice and a cup of Earl Grey - 1 sugar, no milk.  I'm still full!

So again,


From the bottom of our hearts, it means the world.

Emily and Sarah.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

This Is It

This is the end.  I'll post again tomorrow with the total amount raised, but I just ate my last meal of the week and I think it was the most satisfying thing I've ever had.

I wanted to discuss the things I have learnt in this past week, about myself and about the condition of living off such a small amount of food.

First off, the food.  Throughout this week very little of what I ate was flavoured.  There was one night that I ate nothing else with my rice and so I could afford to add a splash of soy sauce.  I have learnt to appreciate what I'm eating, because when you are really hungry ANYTHING tastes good.  I'm not just saying that.  I used to absolutely hate rice.  Now, pretty sure it's my favourite food.

It was hard.  One of the most difficult things I've done and the temptation to cheat - especially today - was high.  I stuck it out though and I'm sitting here feeling pretty darn proud of myself.  If I were to say I learnt just one thing from this week about myself it would be that I am so much stronger than I thought I was.  I think that given the situation people could be so much stronger.  I'm not saying that to make people feel bad - quite the opposite.  I just want people to realise how lucky we are.  I get to go back to my coffee and cakes tomorrow.  Tomorrow 1.4 billion people will still be undernourished.

It Is Not Fair.

I know I can't save the world, as was pointed out to me before I even started this.  I sure as hell am going to try though.  If everyone tried, we could.

I want to thank everyone for their support, for their sponsorship, but more than that.  I want to thank my friends who have pushed me forward when I wanted to give up.

So that's all for now, peace and love to all of you.  Just remember, you're just one person but you can and you will make a difference.  Live positive.

Another post signed with love,

Saturday, February 25, 2012

More Than Half Way - The Up-Hill Climb

Day 5!  Day 5 Day 5 Day 5 Day 5!!!!

As of noon yesterday the half way mark was hit, and I did a little dance.

There isn't much to say in this post except that I think my stomach has eaten itself because I woke up and I'm NOT hungry.  Not even a little.  It could be the heat, and also the fact I have a killer flu... but... nothing.  Maybe it'll hit me later today.

One thing I have noticed throughout this - the complete lack of energy.  That's the hardest part I think because I can't bring myself to do simple things like climb the stairs.  I had my first dizzy spell yesterday.  I think I'll be rearranging my food today to see if I can get more sugar in somewhere.

That's all for now.

Em xx

A side note from Sarah, some words of wisdom:
Do not eat.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 3 - Nearly Half Way

So far, day 1 was the hardest of them all.  Breaking the habit of simply eating when I'm bored (it's a wonder I'm not overweight).  Sarah made the mistake of missing breakfast, no matter how small it would have been, making her day 100 times harder than mine.

Day 2 I had to work, which in some ways was a blessing and others a curse.  I work above a food court, so all day I could smell so many delicious things.  On the other hand, I was too busy to think about how hungry I was and that made it a bit easier.  Sarah has just finished day 2, no news from her so far.

And now, it's day 3.  And I am hungry.  Really hungry.  My body is shaking and I can barely concentrate.  I counted my intake over the past 48 hours and have only had 3000 kilojoules.  For the Americans out there, that's 716 calories.

Here are some examples of the sorts of things we've been eating.

Dinner 100g rice, 50g chicken 20g carrot

Lunch - 2 tablespoons of tinned fruit      

Breakfast - a piece of home-made damper and a cup of unsweetened black tea

I've found the trick is tiny portions over the day.  It almost tricks my stomach into thinking I'm not hungry.

So wish us luck, and I'll check in again soon.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Time Is Upon Us

The time has come for bravery, for comradeship, for... really empty stomachs.  Not even two hours into it and I am already struggling.  My breakfast was a thin slice of plain damper (made by yours truly - I'm a terrible cook so I'm really pleased it worked) and a cup of unsweetened black tea.  The damper slice would have been priced at around 10 cents (there are about 20 slices in a loaf of damper - the whole cost of making it was $1.50 and a very messy kitchen) and the tea bag was 8 cents.  So all in all, at least breakfast didn't throw me out too far for the day.

I'd just like to point out though, that it wasn't a lot of food.  A slice of damper is about 3cm (just over an inch) thick, and about the same high.  It's about 10cm's long.  The tea was the savour of the morning.  Damper is very plain, made with butter, water, and flour with a pinch of salt, traditionally cooked in a fire, however seeings as I'm fairly sure my landlord would not be okay with me lighting a camp fire in the house, I settled for an oven.

Now, Sarah lives in South Africa, and as I type this it's just hit midnight there.  I asked for her input.  She replied:

"It's bloody hard :( I can't eat my dark chocolate now, it's past 12."

So far, all preliminary indications point to a long and difficult week, all to raise money for Sanctuary for Kids.

To those who want to donate, please send funds direct to the paypal with the registered email with a little message.

Thanks to Tina who donated a couple days ago.  It means a lot.


Emily and Sarah

Saturday, February 4, 2012


This post truly is aptly named.  Over the past couple of days I've compiled a collection of photos of Sarah and my delicious days - a small snap shot of the deliciousness we WON'T be enjoying for a week.

Let me clear something up here... I love food.  A lot.  One of my favourite things to do is enjoy a good meal, with a good wine, with good friends.  I've been brought up... a tad spoiled as far as my palette goes.  Oysters - high up there on my favourites.  Just this morning for breakfast we had smoked trout, eggs, fried tomatoes, sauteed mushrooms, and coffee.

Of course I'm not writing this to talk about how wonderful my breakfast was.  This is just to give you an idea of how much better off ANYONE who is reading this blog is than 1.4 billion people who live below the poverty line.  I am writing this to illustrate how unfair this world is, and to show that if we can make a difference, no matter how small, how dare we not?  Is $10 a week out of your pay going to change much from your life?  Probably not.  That $10 a week to someone else has the power change their world.

Anyway, onwards with the food.  I'll put the appropriate name next to the meal.

Emily - Spaghetti Bolognese

Emily - Cappucino and a Citrus Custard Slice

Emily - One of my more... indulgent snacks.  Vegemite and cheese toasted

Emily - Fettucini Bolognese 

Emily - Hawaiian Pizza

Emily - Chicken Schnitzel, mushroom sauce, salad...

Sarah (thank god I was starting to feel a bit tubby)- Cappucino

Sarah - A half eaten before photo epic breakfast

Sarah - Fish and chips, tartare sauce

Sarah - Scrambled eggs, salad, on rye bread

Sarah - Burger with avocado

Emily - pop tarts (cookies and cream) and morning coffee.

Emily - One of the best Merlot's I've had in a long time.

Have I made my point? I think so.

Thanks for reading.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Time Approaches

It is the 2nd of February which means in just 20 days time we will begin our challenge.

So far the response from our family and friends has been phenomenal.

I'm writing this here today to say thank you to S4K for mentioning this on their community page and to let people know that if they want to donate to send the money direct to the paypal account under the email - when doing so please specify if you are sponsoring one or both of us and your name so that we know exactly what the money is for.

As I promised in the first post, we will be posting photos and entries during the week leading up to, and also the week of, the challenge including our daily food and drink for both weeks, and how we are holding up.

I encourage and implore everyone, if they have a little spare, please sponsor.  Every cent raised goes to Sanctuary for Kids.


Thursday, January 19, 2012


My name is Emily - and my partner in crime and darling friend - Sarah - will also be writing on this blog.  We'll sign our posts respectively.

Now, to any normal person, when I say $2 a day challenge they say - whhhhaaa?  And look at me like I'm crazy.  Then I have to explain myself, and then I ramble.  So here's the go!

From the 22/2/12-29/2/12 myself and Sarah will live off $2 a day of food and drink.  It won't be easy - because within the first minute of my working day I have already exceeded that amount with my coffee - milk and 2 sugars.  We are participating in this utterly crazy idea for two reasons.

First and foremost - $2 a day is MORE than the majority of people in third world countries live off.  We have grown up in an environment where $2 was thrown at us as daily pocket money.  I find it hard to even fathom trying to live of this for a day.

The second reason - we are trying to raise money for Sanctuary for Kids - who are working desperately and doing astounding things to make the above fact not true for so many people.  To view some of their amazing work go to

We will use this blog to post our daily eating BEFORE and then DURING the challenge.  To follow and share in our pain, visit this blog regularly.

Now for the legal shizzz....

S4K are not organising this event with us however will be the beneficiary of all funds raised.  We do not hold them in anyway responsible for any harm that may come to us during this charity event.  S4K is a not for profit organisation.

Thank you and good day *scutters off to work*