My name is Emily - and my partner in crime and darling friend - Sarah - will also be writing on this blog. We'll sign our posts respectively.
Now, to any normal person, when I say $2 a day challenge they say - whhhhaaa? And look at me like I'm crazy. Then I have to explain myself, and then I ramble. So here's the go!
From the 22/2/12-29/2/12 myself and Sarah will live off $2 a day of food and drink. It won't be easy - because within the first minute of my working day I have already exceeded that amount with my coffee - milk and 2 sugars. We are participating in this utterly crazy idea for two reasons.
First and foremost - $2 a day is MORE than the majority of people in third world countries live off. We have grown up in an environment where $2 was thrown at us as daily pocket money. I find it hard to even fathom trying to live of this for a day.
The second reason - we are trying to raise money for Sanctuary for Kids - who are working desperately and doing astounding things to make the above fact not true for so many people. To view some of their amazing work go to
We will use this blog to post our daily eating BEFORE and then DURING the challenge. To follow and share in our pain, visit this blog regularly.
Now for the legal shizzz....
S4K are not organising this event with us however will be the beneficiary of all funds raised. We do not hold them in anyway responsible for any harm that may come to us during this charity event. S4K is a not for profit organisation.
Thank you and good day *scutters off to work*